Caddo Parish Fire District 5 does not currently have any openings for full-time employment. Applications are accepted at any time but will only be processed when an opening becomes available.
Caddo Parish Fire District 5 has a civil service board, which serves to oversee all matters related to the full-time, classified civil service positions. It is charged with representing the public interest, while ensuring compliance with all civil service laws pertaining to personnel matters. This board has the authority and duty to conduct hearings and investigations into personnel matters when warranted and requested. It is comprised of three members: one appointed by the governing authority of the fire district (Board of Commissioners), one full-time classified employee elected by his/her peers in the classified service at CFD5, and one appointed by a local university (Louisiana State University in Shreveport).
Brian Florsheim, Jr., Chairman
Fire Department Member
Chad Conella
College Member
Jeff Fort
Governing Authority Appointee
Listed below are some important items related to the full-time classified positions at Caddo Parish Fire District 5. More information about the municipal fire and police civil service system can be obtained by visiting the website of the Louisiana Office of State Examiner.
Louisiana Revised Statutes that Apply to CFD5 Civil Service
All applications for the Entrance Firefighter civil service exam must be submitted to the Office of State Examiner in accordance with their procedures and timeline. For more information, please visit their Testing & Employment website.
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